The below given php script scans open ports on target server. There are mainly two functions are used for scanning :
Code : scan.php
Download Link : Github
Output :
Possible use case : This script can be uploaded onto a vulnerable server in case File Upload Vulnerability, and that server is used to scan other targets to avoid detection.
fsockopen() : The fsockopen() function is used to open socket connection with given hostname and port. Syntax :
fsockopen(hostname, port, errNo, errStr, timeout);
getservbyport() : The getservbyport() function is used to get the service name which corresponds to supplied port and protocol. Syntax : getservbyport(portNumber, ProtocolName);
Code : scan.php
<?php if(isset($_POST['ip'])) { $ports = array(21, 22, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 135, 137, 139, 1433, 1434); $result = array(); foreach($ports as $port) { if($scn = fsockopen($_POST['ip'], $port, $err, $err_string, 1)) { $result[$port] = true; fclose($scn); } else { $result[$port] = false; } } echo "<strong>Scanning Result for :</strong> <i>", $_POST['ip'], "</i><br/><br/>"; foreach($result as $port=>$val) { $srv = getservbyport($port, "tcp"); echo "Port $port [$srv] : "; if($val) { echo "<span style='color:green'>OPEN</span><br/>"; } else { echo "<span style='color:red'>Closed</span><br/>"; } } } else { echo "<br/>"; echo '<form action="" method="post">'; echo 'Enter IP Address to Scan : <input type="text" name="ip"> '; echo "<input type='submit' value='Start Scan'>"; echo "</form>"; } ?>
Download Link : Github
Output :
Possible use case : This script can be uploaded onto a vulnerable server in case File Upload Vulnerability, and that server is used to scan other targets to avoid detection.