Wfuzz is a Python-based flexible web application bruteforcer that can be considered an alternative to Burp Intruder as they both have some common features. It supports various methods and techniques to expose web application vulnerabilities. With Wfuzz we can audit parameters, authentication, forms with brute-forcing GET and POST parameters, cookies, forms, discover unlinked resources such as directories/files, headers and so on.
Wfuzz is developed by edge-security. Wfuzz was created to facilitate the task in web applications assessments and it is based on a simple concept: it replaces any reference to the keyword FUZZ by the value of a given payload. A payload in Wfuzz is a source of input data. For further details and documentation visit the link :
I am going to install wfuzz on ubuntu 16.04. First of all clone wfuzz from git repository
git clone
For wfuzz installation you need to install setuptools and pycurl python module
The basic architecture of wfuzz
The Wfuzz contains the following elements :
Payloads :
The payloads are list of data to be sent to the target server. To see all payloads options :
Suppose we have a webapp with with pages like example1.php, example2.php... etc, now to find find out how many pages are here we can use range payload :
and at the target url 'FUZZ' is used where we want to fuzz.
Now to filter the output we can use --hc [response code] flag which filter the given response code
With file we can provide a file with list of filenames or data to fuzz a url parameter or data etc.
Brute forcing post data :
Brute forcing header data :
Encoders :
Encoders are used to encode the payload before sending it to target server. There are several encoding options are available for example url encode, base64, utf8 and also hash functions like md5,sha1. To see the list of available encoders :
Conclusion :
wfuzz is a very powerful Web application fuzzer. These are some very basic use cases of wfuzz. Now you can start playing and experimenting with it.
For documentation visit :
sudo apt install python-setuptools python-pycurl
Then change directory to wfuzz directory and run the below command sudo python install
Now wfuzz is successfully installed.The basic architecture of wfuzz
The Wfuzz contains the following elements :
Payloads :
The payloads are list of data to be sent to the target server. To see all payloads options :
wfuzz -e payloads
Range :
Suppose we have a webapp with with pages like example1.php, example2.php... etc, now to find find out how many pages are here we can use range payload :
wfuzz -c -z range,0-20
and the output will be : ********************************************************
* Wfuzz 2.2.8 - The Web Fuzzer *
Total requests: 21
ID Response Lines Word Chars Payload
000001: C=404 9 L 32 W 293 Ch "0"
000002: C=200 61 L 101 W 1466 Ch "1"
000003: C=200 59 L 100 W 1458 Ch "2"
000004: C=200 60 L 100 W 1459 Ch "3"
000005: C=200 60 L 100 W 1460 Ch "4"
000010: C=200 62 L 101 W 1512 Ch "9"
000012: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "11"
000013: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "12"
000014: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "13"
000015: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "14"
000016: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "15"
000017: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "16"
000018: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "17"
000021: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "20"
000019: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "18"
000020: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "19"
000006: C=200 60 L 100 W 1460 Ch "5"
000007: C=200 62 L 104 W 1491 Ch "6"
000008: C=200 64 L 104 W 1493 Ch "7"
000009: C=200 61 L 109 W 1579 Ch "8"
000011: C=404 9 L 32 W 294 Ch "10"
Total time: 2.908727
Processed Requests: 21
Filtered Requests: 0
Requests/sec.: 7.219650
At the above command :- -c : for color output
- -z range,0-20 : z for payload where range is payload after comma ',' the range is specified which is 0-20.
and at the target url 'FUZZ' is used where we want to fuzz.
Now to filter the output we can use --hc [response code] flag which filter the given response code
wfuzz -c --hc 404 -z range,0-20
output: ********************************************************
* Wfuzz 2.2.8 - The Web Fuzzer *
Total requests: 21
ID Response Lines Word Chars Payload
000002: C=200 61 L 101 W 1466 Ch "1"
000003: C=200 59 L 100 W 1458 Ch "2"
000004: C=200 60 L 100 W 1459 Ch "3"
000005: C=200 60 L 100 W 1460 Ch "4"
000006: C=200 60 L 100 W 1460 Ch "5"
000007: C=200 62 L 104 W 1491 Ch "6"
000008: C=200 64 L 104 W 1493 Ch "7"
000009: C=200 61 L 109 W 1579 Ch "8"
000010: C=200 62 L 101 W 1512 Ch "9"
Total time: 0.067469
Processed Requests: 21
Filtered Requests: 12
Requests/sec.: 311.2502
Use -sc [response code] for show only given response code wfuzz -c --sc 200 -z range,0-20
File :
With file we can provide a file with list of filenames or data to fuzz a url parameter or data etc.
wfuzz -c --sc 200 -z file,/home/ajay/pentest/wordlist/general/admin-panels.txt
output : ********************************************************
* Wfuzz 2.2.8 - The Web Fuzzer *
Total requests: 137
ID Response Lines Word Chars Payload
000120: C=200 53 L 189 W 2930 Ch "home.php"
000021: C=200 129 L 330 W 4102 Ch "login.php"
Total time: 2.633481
Processed Requests: 137
Filtered Requests: 135
Requests/sec.: 52.02237
Brute forcing post data :
wfuzz -c -z file,/home/ajay/pentest/wordlist/general/common.txt --hs Error -d "log=user&pwd=FUZZ"
output : ********************************************************
* Wfuzz 2.2.8 - The Web Fuzzer *
Total requests: 950
ID Response Lines Word Chars Payload
000870: C=302 0 L 0 W 0 Ch "user"
Total time: 72.38094
Processed Requests: 950
Filtered Requests: 949
Requests/sec.: 13.12500
where -d is used for post data. and --hs is used for hide responses which contain Error word. because it returns "Error" at failure.Brute forcing header data :
wfuzz -c -z file,/home/ajay/pentest/wordlist/general/common.txt --sc 200 -H "Header_Field_Name: FUZZ"
Encoders :
Encoders are used to encode the payload before sending it to target server. There are several encoding options are available for example url encode, base64, utf8 and also hash functions like md5,sha1. To see the list of available encoders :
wfuzz -e encoders
For example : wfuzz -c -z file,/home/ajay/pentest/wordlist/general/common.txt,md5 --hs Error -d "log=user&pwd=FUZZ"
Conclusion :
wfuzz is a very powerful Web application fuzzer. These are some very basic use cases of wfuzz. Now you can start playing and experimenting with it.
For documentation visit :